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cleansing oil blends

OIL CLEANSING METHOD: Cottonwood Buds, White Willow Bark, Salicin and Salicylic Acid


OIL CLEANSING METHOD: Cottonwood Buds, White Willow Bark, Salicin and Salicylic Acid

The lovely Salix plants ... hugging the banks of the rivers and climbing the slopes of the mountains.  If you are interested in natural skincare, you are probably familiar with White Willow. White Willow Bark is part of the Salix family of plants, which all contain Salicin in their leaves, bark and buds. Salicin (the precursor of Salicylic Acid) is a natural compound renown for it's ability to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. White Willow bark is the most common Salicin source found in natural skincare formulas and the herb most easily acquired, but it is not the only one. And this where Cottonwood Buds fit in ....